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Your brother here is not much of a fan of it but your daddy really likes it.” “But what is it?” Valerie asked. “Well baby, that's when a man puts his penis in a girl's ass.” “What?” Valerie exclaimed with surprise. “But poop comes from there, why would someone do that?” Will chimed in. “You are right Val, but a girl's ass is very tight which makes it feel real good for a man.” “Wouldn't it hurt? A butt is very small and your penis is big, Will.” Valerie's tone was fearful. “You probably won't like it the first few times you do it because it's an intense feeling but if done right it will feel good for a woman. How about later on Will and I do it to show you how it's done and then you'll try it. Is that okay with you, Will?” Catherine gives her a warm motherly smile. Will can't help but notice how beautiful his mom is, he feels so lucky to have such a wonderful mom. “Of course, I haven't fucked your ass in a while so it's a win-win.” “We are going to need a lot of lube, Valerie and. He wasn’t a brawler. He fell to the ground, clutching his stomach and moaning. When you look like me, you learn to survive.“Now, where was I? Oh yes. You are all slaves. You will help where you are told to help, do what you are told to do; if you don’t do it quickly enough, you will be punished. Clear? We still need to grow food; and I can see the advantage of the heated floors and the flowing water. We shall keep this running. Gricolus? You will help with the crops, you have a head for business and farming I know. Now you can keep the books and advise what to plant where. That way you will eat.Grantus. Did you truly mean you would like to fight me? I am a cripple, as you see. But if your honour demands it then, in the arena we shall fight. I will give instructions that, if you win the women are to be untouched. Fair?” The fool took it. I knew he had to die, he was arrogant, impetuous and scary. I would not simply kill him though, that was not honourable. I would fight in front of an.
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